What’s New
Stay updated about the latest Infinity Center news & events.
Meet Alyssa, Board-Certified Behavior Analyst
Alyssa is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) at our Carroll County center.
Reducing Holiday Stress for Children with Autism
The holiday season can be stressful for everyone. With all of the changes in schedules, the crowds, bright lights, visits from people we don’t see often, and just the general hubbub of the season, holidays can be even more challenging for a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their family.
Sensory Friendly Santa & Open House Holiday Events 2023
Families and children are invited to take holiday photos with Santa in a sensory-friendly environment.
5 Easy Tricks to Make Halloween Not So Scary for Children with Autism
Halloween with all its bright lights, itchy costumes, and spooky sights and sounds can sometimes be overwhelming for autistic children.
Meet Jacquelyn, Board-Certified Behavior Analyst
Jacquelyn is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) at our Carroll County center.
5 Nonverbal Ways to Connect With Your Child Who Has Autism
It can be difficult as a parent or caregiver of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to feel as though you cannot connect with them.
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and content for our ABA and autism community. We are looking forward to seeing you on our page!