What’s New2022-11-14T19:12:25+00:00

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Healing and Hope: How The Infinity Center Transformed Our Lives

Nick (dad) and I have been a team since high school in the early 2000s. Our first great adventure was when our son, Nicholas Arlo, was born in 2017 having survived IVF.  Nicholas’ arrival was followed by a challenging three-month stay in the NICU due to extreme prematurity. While most parents settle into routines and go back to work, we had home nurse visits and early intervention services. Nicholas thrived and grew before our eyes but sadly around age two he experienced his first regression. He lost the three words he knew and stopped talking altogether. A once full plate of a variety of food groups turned into only chicken nuggets for every meal and snack. Eye contact was lost and as time went on, self-injurious behaviors and "eloping" (running or wandering away) began. 

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